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  • Gain a Familia!
  • Priority registration
  • UC & CSU campus tours
  • Culturally related events
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Ongoing one-on-one Counseling
  • Professional mentoring
  • Help students transfer to a four-year university

Students enrolled in the PUENTE program work closely with their Counselor, English Instructor, and Mentor to prepare for transfer to four-year colleges and universities, with the ultimate goal that Puentistas return to their community as leaders and mentors.

The PUENTE counseling component provides academic, personal, and career advising to prepare students to transfer to a four-year college or university. The PUENTE Counselor teaches transfer-credit Guidance courses: GUI 47 in the fall and GUI 46 in the spring semester. GUI 47 is a Career Exploration course that helps students choose the right major/career. GUI 46 provides everything students need to know about transferring to a four-year university.

PUENTE’s English component includes a college transfer-level English composition course (English 1A) followed by a critical thinking and writing English course (English 1B). Both incorporate Latinx and multicultural writers to help students relate to the material while learning about their culture.

PUENTE's mentoring component offers students the opportunity to be paired with local professionals who graciously volunteer their time for one-on-one mentoring. Our community mentors support their students’ college-going aspirations; they help guide and motivate their mentee’s to build the social and cultural capital they will need for their future success as college students and career professionals.


What is Puente?



Yolanda Haro
Puente Coordinator/Assistant Professor
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